About Us

Youth Programs in Zambia

The FOYA Initiative is a registered organisation with a mission of engaging young people to reach their fullest potential and mainstreaming them into the development drive whilst advancing the field of positive youth and sector development. FOYA is committed to child support and youth empowerment – providing a pathway to achievement in premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural, education, STEM and innovative crafts. The focal point is the idea of experiential learning – practical and hands-on learning.

We have adopted a 3Ps approach which is “Policy Partnership and Program”. We will strive to “Turn Policy into Action and Everyone can Make-A-Difference.

Adopted Theme
“One Million New Ideas, New Opportunities and Solutions for Child Support and Positive Youth Empowerment across the Country by the year 2024”

As a registered non-governmental organization our approach is participatory and experiential learning based on 3Ps (Policy, Partnership, Programs) approach. Our adopted concept is “Learning by doing and through research-based innovative approaches and tested tools we deliver quality programs, products and services to children and youth”.

Exploring the Power of the Youth

Join the FOYA Initiative Today and Be part of the Revolution of Change. Contact Your nearest FOYA Club or chapter for more details or send an inquiry to: info@foyainitiative.org