The FOYA Initiative views healthy living as a cornerstone of the Youth program. It is included in the Culture and Pledge; “I pledge my health to better living”, and is of one of our seven core areas of programming. FOYA believes that establishing healthy living habits at a young age is key to life-long health. We strive to equip young people with the knowledge and skills to address their own physical, emotional, mental, and social health in an ever-changing world. The FOYA Initiative equips young people with these skills through educational programming in physical health, mental health, nutrition, personal safety, diversity and inclusion, and addiction prevention. The FOYA Initiative Health curricula will work in urban, suburban and rural communities – Health is an issue for everyone regardless of location or socio-economic status. These research-based, ready-to-use curricula set FOYA Health apart and helps young people to achieve social, emotional, physical, mental and academic success. Each curriculum provides youth with valuable skills such as leadership, teamwork, decision-making, civic responsibility and critical thinking.
The Agricultural Science Program engages FOYA 4H-Africa members in a variety of hands-on activities and experiences that cultivate an increased understanding and appreciation for agriculture. The FOYA Initiative believes that all youth should have opportunities for positive youth development in our four guiding concepts: Mastery, Belonging, Independence, and Generosity. This program fosters mastery by learning about agricultural sciences including where food comes from, consumer choices, and sustainable agricultural practices, belonging by interacting and connecting with adults and youth, independence by practicing leadership skills and independent thinking, and generosity by participating in community service and citizenship activities. Contact your District or Provincial FOYA office for more information.
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- Horticulture and Plant and Soil Sciences
- Animal and Food Sciences
- Beef
- Dairy
- Goats
- Poultry (Village & Hybrid)
- Sheep
- Pigs
- Fisheries
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