CareerFix is a career development platform where one can explore the many career path-ways and choose which  career  best suit you.

Career planning

100’s of Careers

A Toolkit for Career Plannings

Career planning helps you make decisions throughout your career, whether you are just starting or planning re-settling. Here are some 4 steps you can follow in order  to plan your career.

Step 1: Get to know yourself

Identify your vision, values, interests, skills, traits and abilities. It will help you decide what you want from your next career move.

Step 3: Make your decision by evaluating your career options

Evaluate your career options. Decide which ones are best for you at this stage of your life. Look at the pros and cons of each option. Consider the challenges you may face and how you can handle them.

Step 2: Explore your occupational options

Explore your options and gather information about them. What choices do you have? What does each one involve? Are there other options you haven’t thought about?

Step 4: Take action to achieve your career goals

Develop a plan to make your options a reality. Identify the short-term and long-term steps that you need to take. Create deadlines for the completion of each step. Identify things you can do to stay motivated. Then take the steps you’ve identified.

Career Selection

Why Career Planning can work for you

Career planning is a lifelong process that can help you manage important life and work decisions. Consider your priorities, options, and strengths to build a plan that gets you where you want to go.

Steps in Career fix

Career Planning-on going

Career planning is an ongoing process that can help you manage your learning and development.

You can use the four step planning process whether you are:

–  at school;
–  at college;
–  an adult returning to education or adding on skills;
–  an adult changing job or career.

Career priorities
Making right career decisions

Do Not take a Wrong Decision

Jumping into Opportunities quickly…

Most people often try to secure a position any where they get as soon as possible after their graduation. There are only a few who take time before deciding a correct career option. If you jump into any profession, then in the initial years you will feel good to have a job but later will find it stressful. That is when you will realize it is not the right profession for you.

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Making the Right moves

How to make the right move towards a suitable profession?

Prior to all you must recognize and analyze the set of skills that you master. Make sure that any profession which you choose have the things that are close to your interests. Find a job that will not only make use of your talent but will also help it develop and improve. It will surely help in pick the right career for you. Settling on a suitable career will enable you to manage your professional as well as personal life in an efficient manner.

choosing a career

How Do I know?

“From childhood, I have always loved this”, “I just feel I am more confortable in this area”, “I just love helping people and that’s me”:,  “Can’t explain but I think or feel this is my career”

T.N, Shep Communications


Making your decision on your Career Pathway…

How much do I know? There are so many career pathways, but which one should I now take?  Here is some brief of some careers. You can download modules on each career pathway or request for specific toolkits on araes of your interest.

Health Careers

This is a very big sector in careers. Here a short list of health courses in this career pathway:

Agricultural Careers

Agriculture has a number of discipline that you can chose from. The industry is broad with many sectors rich with career pathways. Explore…


Another broad sector. Explore…

Integrated Mass CommunicationIn

As its name implies, integrated communication involves the use of multiple platforms—namely print, photos, video, audio, graphics, text, animation, interactivity and social media to communicate digitally and in traditional formats. You can find alot of career pathways in this.


Pathways in economics

Explore Courses

After chossing your career pathway, here is a guide on Courses

Education & Training

Learn more…

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